Month: October 2015

  • God chose us, undeserving as we are, to

    God chose us, undeserving as we are, to

    [igp-embed url=”” width=”600″ height=”700″] God chose us, undeserving as we are, to be new creatures with a new name. He’s treated us as royalty. What response could we possibly give other than David’s? “Let it be established, that your name be magnified forever.” #1Chronicles1716 #newname #grace #unmeritedfavor #royalty #yournamebemagnified Dios nos escogió, a pesar de…

  • Paul is talking about looking at my works

    Paul is talking about looking at my works

    [igp-embed url=”” width=”600″ height=”700″] Paul is talking about looking at my works and comparing them to Christ’s work. He’s basically saying mind your own business! If I’m not in a position of authority or discipleship with someone, it’s really none of my business how far along my brother has come. #Galatians65 #sanctification #comparison #judgmental #mindingmyownbusiness…

  • I want to know the Scriptures as well

    I want to know the Scriptures as well

    [igp-embed url=”” width=”600″ height=”700″] I want to know the Scriptures as well as He did! I have so much left to learn though… #Luke2425 #bible #scripture #study #knowledge #neverenough Quiero conocer las Escrituras tanto como los conocía Él. ¡Aún me queda tanto por aprender!