Displaying posts published in

October 2015

Ezekiel is preaching to the Jews who remembered

Ezekiel is preaching to the Jews who remembered Solomon’s temple. He described to them a temple much more magnificent than they had ever known. That is the kind of hope we have for our future. Pick any point of reference you want, and God’s perfect, eternal version will be unimaginably better. #Ezekiel402 #exile #promisedland #newjerusalem […]

Ezekiel is preaching to the Jews who remembered

Ezekiel is preaching to the Jews who remembered Solomon’s temple. He described to them a temple much more magnificent than they had ever known. That is the kind of hope we have for our future. Pick any point of reference you want, and God’s perfect, eternal version will be unimaginably better. #Ezekiel402 #exile #promisedland #newjerusalem […]