Month: October 2015

  • Ezekiel is preaching to the Jews who remembered

    Ezekiel is preaching to the Jews who remembered

    [igp-embed url=”” width=”600″ height=”700″] Ezekiel is preaching to the Jews who remembered Solomon’s temple. He described to them a temple much more magnificent than they had ever known. That is the kind of hope we have for our future. Pick any point of reference you want, and God’s perfect, eternal version will be unimaginably better.…

  • Solomon must have felt enormous pressure to try

    Solomon must have felt enormous pressure to try

    [igp-embed url=”” width=”600″ height=”700″] Solomon must have felt enormous pressure to try to fill shoes as big as David’s. David even had ambitious plans set in motion for Solomon to complete. But I love the encouragement David had for him. There is never any need to fear, because as long as God has plans left…

  • Anyone who teaches the Word (i.e. every Christian

    Anyone who teaches the Word (i.e. every Christian

    [igp-embed url=”” width=”600″ height=”700″] Anyone who teaches the Word (i.e. every Christian — Mat. 28:20 “teaching them to observe…”) has a huge weight of responsibility on his or her shoulders. If we aren’t strengthening the weak, healing the sick, binding up the broken, etc… we are neglecting our duty. Believers are scattering and wandering because…