Tag: Evangelism
The Lord adding to church
… And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.Acts 2:47 Numbers and statistics are not a reliable metric for evaluating the effectiveness of a ministry. From our perspective, we often won’t know whether we are planting like Apollos, watering like Paul, or reaping God’s harvest in the moment. But of…
A Whole Bunch of Firsts!
Thank you as always for your prayers! We need them, probably more than ever before! 2021 has started off being incredibly busy. It’s of course a tremendous responsibility and challenge to be the sole pastor of my church for the first time. Of course, being a first-time parent comes with its own set of responsibilities…
Praise the Lord for a great year!
Hello friends, I trust you are all doing well and that the Lord is using you in your area of ministry. The Lord is ever faithful, and this past year (yes, I started writing this back at the beginning of 2018!) we’ve been able to see His hand at work in countless ways. The church…