Category: Ministry Updates

  • Growth in Complicated Times

    I wonder whether seminaries in upcoming years will begin offering classes like: “Dealing with Disasters” or “Going Past PowerPoint in a Pandemic”! Things have certainly been interesting in 2020 here in Spain, but I could not be more grateful for how God has led our church through these times. It’s hard to believe this is…

  • What COVID has meant for our church in Spain

    The first confirmed case of COVID on the mainland was Feb. 24th. We were all watching Italy closely at that point. By Sunday March 8th I’d gotten ahold of some hand sanitizer (Spain ran out of alcohol almost immediately, and it’s still very scarce) and made it a requirement at the entrance of church. The…

  • First year at the Puerto

    As we near the end of 2019, Raquel and I are grateful for the many beautiful moments God has given us with our new church family. Our co-workers, the Keisers, have been wonderful to work with, and the church members all love Raquel (I’m tolerated as long as Raquel’s with me!). Near the beginning of…