On March 21st, I left Spain on a trip with 3 other Spanish pastors with aid for the people of Ukraine. We coordinated with a ministry in Poland that provides support to over a dozen churches in Ukraine. Churches all across Spain took up offerings of food and medical supplies, and though the original plan was to take a single vehicle, we ended up tightly packing 2 large, nine-passenger vans with supplies, which, after about 25hrs of driving, we were able to deliver in Krakow, Poland. We had arranged to bring back 14 refugees from churches in Ukraine on the way back, but by the time we arrived, most of them had been able to find alternate transportation, so our passenger space wasn’t needed. Still, we brought back the wife and children of a pastor in Odessa, as well as a young boy who’s the brother-in-law of another pastor in Spain. Even though I didn’t mention the trip to people in America until a week before we left, it was wonderful to receive donations from a number of individuals and churches. To those of you who gave, thank you so much. With that money, I was able to purchase boxes of medical supplies at a discount from the pharmacy Raquel used to work at, as well as battery packs and portable radios. What was most encouraging about the trip was seeing first-hand how pastors in Ukraine and Poland were working tirelessly (and at personal risk) to help those in need. Knowing that what we sent went to churches that keep faithfully preaching the Gospel is wonderful.

Last month, we were able to have a regional men’s prayer breakfast for the first time in over two years. People were so excited to come to a group activity at church that we barely had space for all the men in our church building. One man who joined our church during the COVID period was able to come to the first meeting of its kind, and he is looking forward to our next breakfast in May.

Another first for us was a choir number in church! We are still a small group, but I do hope to start teaching music one day and have that be an important part of our ministry. For the time being, however, I’ve encouraged those who would like to start learning to join the bi-monthly choir practice at our sister church in Irun. I was very much involved in the choir ministry there before we came to the Puerto church, and though we had a 2-year sabbatical, as soon as choir began again I continued to help. So for the time being some of our church members are practicing with Irun. Currently, two church members are in the choir, one more wants to join this next Sunday as well. None of them can read any music yet, but choir is a great place to learn! Since those of use from the Puerto can’t sing the prepared numbers with the Irun church (due to our own church services), we sang the first number the choir prepared in church. I played a recording of the Irun choir singing in their church, and we sang along with the recording! A few Irun members visited us to fill out the voices this time, but I plan to keep doing choir numbers in this way for the time being.

Last week, during Easter weekend, we had an apologetics conference at Aierdi. There were 8 sessions about topics such as: What is Truth?, The Isaiah Scroll, and Designed with Purpose. I taught a session about the “search for the historical Jesus”, in which I went through the literary and archeological references to Jesus, and what the scholarly consensus is about Him. The goal was to help believers to think through and understand their faith. We had a large group, and I believe it was a blessing.

Thank you all for your prayers as always. God bless!
Ps. 34:3

2 responses to “Our Ukraine Aid Trip”
Thank you for the April newsletter. We had seen the interview concerning your trip to Ukraine, and we had been impressed with the generous response of so many people. “Whatever we can do for Ukraine” is popular around here, too. Victor has a cousin who is working with a Mennonite relief group on the Polish border. Because he spent 8 years in Ukraine as a youngster when his folks were missionaries, he is quite helpful as a translator. He was alone there back in March and has now returned with his family (wife and 4 young children).
It was encouraging to read about the men’s prayer breakfast, the fledgling choir, and the apologetics conference. Those activities put you ahead of us here at Biltmore Baptist in Portsmouth, VA. To date since COVID, our special music has been solos or duets – and they are not on the schedule every Sunday.
Your girls are lovely. I’m from a family of 3 girls, and we shared lots of memorable times together.
We will be praying for your family and the Puerto church.
Love in Christ,
Victor and Sue Kramer
Thank you for the kind words! I also have family connections in Ukraine. My great, great grandfather was a German Baptist missionary there. That was before my family emigrated to Canada/USA. I still have extended relatives in Poland who I haven’t yet had the chance to meet.
God bless and I trust you guys will be able to get back to normal at Biltmore soon!