Hello friends! The ministry at the Seaport church has kept Raquel and me busy, but it’s been a blessing to the the Lord at work. We had visitors a couple of months ago (a very rare occurance). Two sisters contacted me by phone, and later came to church that weekend. One of them comes from an evangelical church, and one of them is Catholic. But since that Sunday they have come almost every week, and they are always extremely attentive. They are hearing the Gospel on a consistent basis, and they always follow along in the Bibles we’ve given them. Please pray for their souls. We really hope to see them get saved and form a part of the body of our church.

Raquel passed her end-term Basque certification, and has made excellent progress. I married a very sharp cookie! She is now working again at the pharmacy where she was last year, so Basque classes are on pause for the summer. She’s made friends with a lot of the other students, so pray that she’ll be able to keep up those friendships and follow them up with Gospel-sharing opportunities.
I recently finished publishing a Basque-English version of the Christian childrens’ book God’s Extraordinary Home, written by Jonathan and Lorena Templeton. They are missionaries in a nearby province who are quite prolific in writing Christian literature for children. Now there’s a Spanish version, a bilingual Spanish-English version, and a Basque-English version. I’d recommend checking them out, especially if you know of a family with children who speak Spanish.

As I write this, I’m preparing to leave for the States for a work trip. I’m grateful for the many ways the Lord is providing for Raquel and me. But this summer I will be returning to the US for a couple of months to work. I will be doing construction in Florida. It isn’t a decision Raquel and I made lightly, but we believe it’s what God wants me to do right now. We have some upcoming expenses that we can’t afford with the money we receive in ministry support. And while I teach English classes during the school year, this summer will the be only chance I have to go work like this. Right now Roy and Lou Ann Keiser are working with us at the Seaport church, but after this summer I will be the only pastor at of the church, so I won’t have the same flexibility. Please pray for us this summer, that the Lord would protect me as I work, and that he’d continue to provide for us so we can serve Him in Spain.
Thank you as always for your faithful prayers and support. We are so privileged to be part of the Lord’s plan for the Basque Country, and it is in large part thanks to you all.
God bless,
David & Raquel
Ps. 34:3

3 responses to “Summer plans”
Will be praying for you this summer.
Dear David,
Thanks for keeping us informed. We will be praying for you and
Raquel this summer.
Harold and Judy Lindsey
We will be praying for you and Raquel.