Hello friends, thank you for your prayers!
The Basque Country has very few Bible-preaching churches. In our province of Gipuzkoa (which is a little smaller than the state of Rhode Island), there are 3 Baptist churches of like-minded belief. There is close fellowship among these churches. For the past 5 years, Roy and Lou Ann Keiser, veteran missionaries serving in Iglesia Bautista Bíblica del Puerto, Israel (the Spanish pastor of the Irun church) and I have been praying about the future leadership of the Puerto church as the Keisers neared retirement. They are now preparing to sell their home here and return to the United States, so Raquel and I have begun helping to lead the Puerto church ministry during the transition period. When they retire, I will stay behind as the only pastor of “Seaport Baptist Church.” It is in the outskirts of San Sebastian, the capital city of our province. We are still very involved in the Irun ministry, but our priority is now the spiritual growth of our new church family. Raquel and I are very excited about the responsibility we are taking on, so more than ever we ask for your prayers!

In addition to the two local church ministries, Raquel and I are really trying to make a difference in Spain in the areas of publishing music and books. God has gifted Raquel musically, and I’ve been able to learn a lot about book publication over quite a few years, and we believe there is a lot of work to be done to provide Christian music and books to believers in Spain. Most of the Christian material available in Spanish was produced with Latin American audiences in mind. And while Spanish is spoken in many different countries, there is a large cultural gap between these countries despite the shared language. Additionally, many books translated from English into Spanish have very poor editorial quality. There is a real need for more resources in native Spanish. For quite a few years now, I have helped Christian authors in America publish their books. This has been a secondary source of income for us. But now more and more I am focusing on material for Christians in Spain, where the need is much greater. In the last few months I’ve edited and published a book for a young Christian lady in the Irun church who compiled a book of devotional thoughts for women, and I’ve also been helping another missionary couple, Jonathan and Lorena Templeton, that is writing Gospel books for children. I’m also working with my father Andy to get his books published in Spanish.

Raquel and I are working on a couple of musical projects as well, hoping to get quality Christian music into the hearts of believers in Spain. We’re talking with other people here (who have better singing voices than I do!) about recording music in Spanish. We’ve of course been heavily involved with the church choir at Irun, and hope to see that ministry continue to grow.

When we joined the Keisers at the Puerto church at the beginning of the year, we decided that it would be best for Raquel to leave her job at the pharmacy in Irun. She wanted to be freer to give more of her time and energy to the added responsibility and ministry needs of the Puerto church. I have taken on some English classes in order to keep us economically stable, but we’re tremendously grateful to several individuals who have started supporting our ministry monthly. With their support we are able to stay on the field. We’re praying for additional support from churches, but I am so thankful we haven’t had to leave the field to do extensive raising of support. God is incredibly good at providing for His children!
Now that she is not working at the pharmacy, Raquel has signed up for intensive Basque classes! The people in the Basque country speak their own native language apart from Spanish. We both believe that the more we’re able to communicate in the Basque language, the more integrated we’ll be able to be in this unique culture. Please pray for Raquel, as Basque is a very complicated language to learn! She’s already had gospel opportunities through her classes, and we trust the Lord will keep providing more chances to share the good news.

Thank you for your faithful prayer for us. We are counting on it!
God bless, David & Raquel
Ps. 34:3