Hello friends, I trust you are all doing well and that the Lord is using you in your area of ministry. The Lord is ever faithful, and this past year (yes, I started writing this back at the beginning of 2018!) we’ve been able to see His hand at work in countless ways. The church ministry in Irun is going well, and we are seeing the fruits of the seed sown by several generations here. If I had to choose the area our church has grown the most in this year, it would be in the depth and frequency of the prayer ministry. Like perhaps never before the church is united in our desire to see God at work through our prayers. This whole year in Wednesday prayer meetings I have been teaching through the psalms, and we have enjoyed studying the prayers of David and other servants of God. It’s been exciting to see many of the believers giving up time for prayer and fasting.
We had our Christmas cantata in January this year (since the last couple Sundays in December were holidays) and I believe the Lord really used it! There were about a dozen unsaved listeners in church to hear the cantata, and all of them heard the Gospel presented clearly. As a church we have committed to praying this entire year for each of the nine unsaved people who came that Sunday as visitors. It would be wonderful to know that you are praying with us for their salvation. I hope that some of them will be saved this year through your prayers. Recently, Raquel and I met and had dinner with two of the visitors who are coworkers of several of our church members. We’re praying for more chances to give them the gospel.

Since coming back to Spain after our USA trip, I have resumed playing soccer with young people from town. It is the best way I know to make contacts and form friendships with unbelievers, and I believe the Lord has been blessing my efforts. One of the young men I met playing told me that he’s a barber, so I went to his house for a haircut. We were able to talk quite a bit and he came to church with me soon after. Please pray for him as well as several other young men I’m trying to reach on the soccer field. Some of the soccer contacts who quit coming to church last year have started coming back to church, and I believe that’s mostly due to my finding opportunities to meet them throughout the week. Please pray that the Lord would use me to make a difference in the lives of the unsaved guys I play soccer with.

We’re taking every opportunity to be with one of the new couples in church, and I believe the Lord is blessing our efforts. This family invited us to their house to celebrate New Years, and the Lord gave me a good opportunity to share the Gospel with the husband. He is very sensitive spiritually, and I believe he is not far away from salvation. Pray that the Holy Spirit would complete the work necessary in his heart! Raquel has also had some good opportunities for fellowship with his wife. She was saved before coming to Spain, and she’s showing signs of growth. Raquel had a great opportunity to talk with her at a recent ladies’ meeting (where I’m told, Raquel “preached” a great message!).

Right now, we are preparing two different Easter cantatas. One is for our church here in Irun, and it will be presented on March 25. The other one is with Raquel’s family’s church in Gandia. Raquel is leading the small choir there from a distance, and Lord willing, they’ll be doing the cantata there on April 8th. We’re praying for unsaved visitors in both cases, and it’s great to know that many of you will be praying as well!

Thank you all so much for being part of the ministry here, and I trust the Lord will bless your efforts to serve Him.
Ps. 34:3
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One response to “Praise the Lord for a great year!”
Enjoyed reading your update. Trust the Lord will continue to use the two of you as you work with the people in your area.