Hello friends! A lot has happened since I last sent out an update in March. Most significantly, Raquel and I were married on May 6th. We praise the Lord for a beautiful wedding in the church Raquel grew up in. Over 20 unsaved people that we know of had the chance to hear the Gospel presented at the wedding, and we hope God will use our testimony for good.
After our wedding and honeymoon, Raquel and I stayed in Denia (a coastal city near her church) for a month. It was wonderful to have some vacation time together, and I trust that during our stay we were also a big help to the church her father pastors. We also had opportunities during that month to visit and preach at several of the other churches along the Mediterranean coast.
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But now that we are back in Irun, it’s exciting to be back in the core ministries of preaching, evangelism, and discipleship. Preaching on Sundays and Wednesdays as well as leading youth activities on Saturdays provides ample opportunities to share the Word with believers and non-believers. I’m also spending one-on-one time with the young people, trying to invest my time in them as much as I’m able.

Raquel is becoming a big help in the ministry here. She is very talented musically, and I believe God has plans to use her greatly in the music ministry at church. Everyone at church loves her already! She is also (unsurprisingly) much better than I was at hosting people in our home. Last night we had one of the young couples from church in our home for a time of fellowship. It was a blessing to everyone. I think all are in agreement that I have found my better half and brought her to the Irun ministry.

Please pray for the Lord’s guidance and provision for our future. I will resume teaching English at the beginning of September, and we are praying for Raquel to find a job soon as well. Lord willing, we will be travelling to the United States next summer for deputation, but in the meantime we’re trusting God to continue providing all we need. We are hoping God will allow us to raise support so we don’t have dedicate as much time to secular jobs here, but we’re excited about the Lord’s plan, whatever it may be.
God bless, and thank you all for your prayers. For those of you in the United States, I hope we’ll have the opportunity to see you in 2017 when we travel.
David & Raquel
Ps. 34:3