God has complete authority to demand our holiness

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God has complete authority to demand our holiness before Him. He expects us to be holy because He is holy. He has every right to reject sinners. But out of His grace and mercy he has provided a way to be sanctified. We actually have the opportunity to become perfectly holy as well, which in turn means we can have eternal fellowship with God. #Leviticus2026 #holiness #sanctification #righteousness #separation #grace #mercy Dios tiene completa autoridad para demandar que seamos santos ante Él. Demanda nuestra santidad porque Él es santo. Tiene todo el derecho de rechazar al pecador. Pero en su gracia y misericordia ha provisto la manera de ser santificados. Nosotros tenemos la oportunidad de ser enteramente santos también, lo cual significa que podremos disfrutar de comunión eterna con Dios.



