Hello to my praying friends! I trust you are doing well, and that God is blessing each one in their place of ministry. Wherever you are, God has placed you there primarily to share the Gospel! If you have a few moments to spare, I’d like to give you a few updates, mostly so that you can keep praying specifically for the work here.
If you’d like to see the video update to go with this report, you can watch it here.
I continue invest time in discipling many new believers here in the ministry. It’s been said that a missionary’s primary function is to make himself unnecessary. Well in a sense, I find that very true! My highest priority here in Spain is to assist the Holy Spirit in making disciples who can continue the process of bringing my city to Christ. I have several Bible studies each week with believers here. Doing simple, verse-to-verse Bible studies is something I thoroughly enjoy, especially when it’s with a new believer. Sometimes we take a long time to work through a topic, but it’s always a very profitable time. A trio I meet with weekly is Amadeo, Carlos, and Lucho, whom I’ve often mentioned before. Usually I pick them up and bring them to my house for the study, but recently because of timing we had to meet in a cafeteria in town. As you can see, it’s something they’re perfectly fine with!

I also have weekly Bible studies with a brother and sister who live in town. They live in difficult and tragic circumstances. Their parents separated, and they live with their father. They were both saved while they lived with their mother, but their father is quite hostile to the Gospel and won’t let them come to church or even youth activities, so they are very isolated as young believers. Thankfully I am free to come to their house for Bible studies, but that is about all the contact I am able to have with them. If you could pray for them and for their father, that would be a big blessing to them.
This last Sunday at church we presented our Easter cantata. The Lord blessed us with quite a few visitors for the occasion, so it was an exciting time. Many of the choir members invited unsaved family and friends to see it. Please pray for the visitors we had. They heard the Gospel clearly, and we are praying that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts.

I’ve uploaded the cantata recording to YouTube, and anyone can watch it here. If you look at the choir, you can see Carlos and Amadeo, both new choir members, singing away joyfully! Musically, Amadeo in particular is light-years ahead of where he was when first came to church, and he loves to sing! We recently sang a duet in church, and you can watch that here. I’ve started using YouTube quite a bit for our church, as I believe it has a lot of value for outreach. Also, the brother and sister I mentioned earlier use the account to listen to sermons, since they aren’t able to come to church.

This month I started giving conversational English classes to a man here in Irun. While it will financially help with my living expenses, I see it largely as an opportunity to make a new friendship with someone who needs the Gospel. Lord willing, I will be conversing with him on a weekly basis, so please pray with me that this man will be receptive to the Spirit’s work in his heart. I trust that one day he will be grateful for your prayers.
Lastly, and once again, I ask that you continue to pray that God would provide the support I need to live here. I have been humbled by the interest many of you have shown in my ministry here, and I am so grateful for those of you who have given gifts or provide monthly support. The Lord has blessed very richly, but I am still praying that God will help me make ends meet here without needing to go back to the US on deputation. If you would like to learn more, or would like to direct your church to information about taking me on as a missionary, you can visit my support page here. When you pray for me, please pray for both the Lord’s provision and for guidance concerning various financial decisions here in Spain.
God bless each of you, and I trust you’ll have a great day glorifying Him! I’ll end with a few more pictures below.
Psalm 34:3