Wedding Plans and More!

Hello friends! I trust all is well. I have a lot of big news to communicate in this letter, so I encourage you to read through it carefully and prayerfully. If you’d like to watch the video update for this report you can watch it here.

Exactly two years ago, Amadeo was baptized in the Irun church. It was a step of obedience that he made deliberately, though somewhat fearfully, as as it meant going against his family by identifying himself publicly as a follower of Christ. In the two years since his baptism, Amadeo has grown spiritually, and is an excellent example to the believers around him. It has been a privilege to serve and disciple him, and I am excited to see how God uses him in the future. Please continue to pray for his growth, as well as the other young people involved in our youth group.

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Amadeo's baptism in 2013

Amadeo’s baptism in 2013

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In typical fashion, the young people celebrating Amadeo's baptism at MacDonalds

In typical fashion, the young people celebrating Amadeo’s baptism at MacDonalds

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Amadeo working at the Aierdi farmhouse. He goes out to work every chance he gets now.

Amadeo working at the Aierdi farmhouse. He goes out to work every chance he gets now.

I also have some personal news that I am very excited to share with you. On September 27, Raquel Rodríguez and I got engaged to be married. I can never stop being amazed by the way God plans out the course of my life. Proverbs 3:6 says “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths,” and I can certainly attest that that promise is trustworthy,  as there can be no doubt in my mind that God has been directing Raquel’s and my paths for many years. Both of us have been involved in local church ministries since we were young. In 2012, when I returned to Spain for full-time ministry, Raquel was living in Ireland (learning English among other things!). But God arranged for us to meet last year, and since then, we’ve had ample opportunities to serve Him together, and we want nothing more than the chance to serve God together for the rest of our lives.

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A photo posted by David Bonikowsky (@bonikowsky) on

We plan to be married on May 6th, 2016. We believe that to be the Lord’s timing, but we’re depending on the Lord to provide financially for wedding expenses. After living expenses, I am not able to save any money unless the Lord provides through other means. Thankfully, He has been giving me a trickle of work through my business, Sierra Creation, and that has allowed me to move forward with plans for marriage. In addition to designing websites, I have also gotten into book publishing as a source of tentmaking income. I believe it’s a ministry opportunity, but it is also a way to support myself (and soon to be family) financially. But I’d ask you to please pray for God’s provision for Raquel and me. In reality we are depending fully on God to provide our needs.   deputation In addition to wedding planning, I am also planning to visit the United States for a few months next summer to raise more monthly support. I also want to introduce Raquel to the churches and individuals who are supporting the ministry here. If you would, please pray that the Lord would direct us to the churches He wants us to become partners in ministry with. I want to keep my time in the United States as short as possible, as it is difficult to be away from the ministry in Irun, but the Lord will need to provide direction so that our time in the US is spent efficiently. If you are a member of a church that doesn’t support me as a missionary, please consider recommending Raquel and me to your church. Feel free to forward this letter to others if the Lord leads you to do so. As always, your prayers are what need above all else. Thank you so much to everyone who has been praying, and I trust that you will continue to see the Lord blessing here in the Basque Region of Spain.

God bless!
Ps. 34:3


We should give the same impression before unbelievers.

We should give the same impression before unbelievers. That (1) God is using us way beyond our natural qualifications, that (2) we are so much like Christ we remind people of Him, and that (3) the miraculous testimonies of those who have been saved around us leave no doubt as to the power of the Gospel. #Acts413 #boldness #testimony #unbelievers #qualifications #Christlikeness #miracles #transformedlives Nosotros deberíamos tener el mismo testimonio ante los inconversos. Porque (1) Dios nos está usando mucho más allá de nuestras cualificaciones personales, porque (2) nuestras vidas deben parecer tanto al de Cristo que a la gente les recordamos a Él, y porque (3) estamos rodeados de personas transformadas por el poder milagroso del Evangelio.