Displaying the most recent of 124 posts written by


God chose us, undeserving as we are, to

God chose us, undeserving as we are, to be new creatures with a new name. He’s treated us as royalty. What response could we possibly give other than David’s? “Let it be established, that your name be magnified forever.” #1Chronicles1716 #newname #grace #unmeritedfavor #royalty #yournamebemagnified Dios nos escogió, a pesar de lo inmerecidos que somos, […]

Paul is talking about looking at my works

Paul is talking about looking at my works and comparing them to Christ’s work. He’s basically saying mind your own business! If I’m not in a position of authority or discipleship with someone, it’s really none of my business how far along my brother has come. #Galatians65 #sanctification #comparison #judgmental #mindingmyownbusiness Pablo está hablando de […]