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November 2015

The Jews who returned to Jerusalem did so

The Jews who returned to Jerusalem did so in faith, because they were very vulnerable and they were surrounded by enemies. But their fear motivated them to respond appropriately. They turned to God for help and protection. #Ezra32 #exile #return #danger #peril #enemies #fear #trust #protection Cuando los judíos volvieron del exilio a Jerusalén, lo […]

God has chosen me for all the same

God has chosen me for all the same things He chose Paul for. 1. To find and follow His will, 2. to see the face of Christ, 3. to hear the Word of the Lord, and 4. to be His witness. #Acts2215 #chosen #willofGod #seeingChrist #heartheWord #beawitness #greatcommission #followChrist Dios me escogió a mi para […]