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October 2015

A daily war is waged in our lives:

A daily war is waged in our lives: the war between the Spirit (God’s indwelling presence) and the flesh. Every day, I live consistent with one or the other. But as a believer trying to imitate Christ, I strive to crucify the flesh daily so that I can be controlled by the Holy Spirit. #Galatians516 […]

God chose us, undeserving as we are, to

God chose us, undeserving as we are, to be new creatures with a new name. He’s treated us as royalty. What response could we possibly give other than David’s? “Let it be established, that your name be magnified forever.” #1Chronicles1716 #newname #grace #unmeritedfavor #royalty #yournamebemagnified Dios nos escogió, a pesar de lo inmerecidos que somos, […]