Isaiah 9

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The nation of Israel’s darkest days began ca. 740 BC with the invasion of the Northern kingdom by Tiglathpileser III and his Assyrian host. The region of Galilee in the tribes of Zebulon and Naphtali was the first to go dark, but it was soon followed by the rest of the Northern kingdom, and eventually by the Southern kingdom as well.


This was all foretold by the prophet Isaiah in chapter 9. But with the bad news came the promise of a child to be born. This child would be called Wonderful Counselor. He’d be called the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.

Specifically, this child would bring light to a darkened nation, beginning in Galilee, where the darkess began. He would bring light to the dark (v. 2), growth to the decimated, and joy to the sorrowful (v. 3). He would bring freedom to the oppressed (v. 4) and peace to the war-weary (v. 5).

This child would change the course of human history when he founded a new empire that would never stop growing (v. 7). Napoleon Bonaparte famously said: ”Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I myself have founded great empires… upon force. Jesus alone founded His empire upon love, and to this day millions will die for Him…. In defiance of time and space, the soul of man, with all its powers and faculties, becomes an annexation to the empire of Christ.”

The Jews were never wrong in their concept of a conquering Messiah who would come to deliver them from bondage and re-form them into a great nation. That Messiah is Jesus Christ, who came and conquered sin and death. He gifted deliverance to each of us, and is currently building an empire that will never be overturned. One day He will return as the rightful King over that empire.

This Christmas, as I celebrate again the coming of the Deliverer, I am thankful as never before to have a part in spreading the empire of my King, Jesus Christ.

I recently posted a page describing what I believe God has planned for my future financially. You can read it here.

Joshua 1

And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee. Deuteronomy 31:8

These were Moses’ words to Joshua as he handed him the baton. Joshua found himself left with the daunting challenge to “go over the Jordan… and divide for an inheritance the land.” (Josh. 1:2, 6)

Joshua 1_9

As a spy, Joshua had learned first-hand the impossible odds he faced in Canaan. As Moses’ servant, Joshua had learned first-hand the temperamental nature and weak faith of Israel.

But when God gives a mission, He also gives the means to accomplish it. That is the promise of His presence. He reiterated the promise in Joshua 1:9. “For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” The rest of the story, of course, is history.


But what strikes me are the similarities between Joshua’s mission and mine. When God saved me, He gave me a mission. It’s the greatest mission there is. In Matthew 28:19, He said “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” To me personally, he has said: “Go, and make disciples, beginning in the city of Irun, Spain.” That’s why I’m a “missionary.”

And as I slowly gain maturity and perspective, I realize that my challenge is as daunting as Joshua’s was. Joshua faced giants in Canaan. I face the work of Satan hardening the hearts here through attacks from all directions. He’s attacking through the patent hypocrisy of a Catholic-molded culture. He’s destroying  people’s belief in God through falsely-termed science. He’s unravelling the moral fiber of the society. Joshua had to lead a temperamental, volatile, and unfaithful nation. I am still coming to grips with my own sinful nature and lack of faith, which is a constant impediment.

But, praise to God, when He gives a mission, He also gives the means to accomplish it. Christ’s promise in the next verse is “lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” God promises His presence, and with that, there is nothing that can stop me.



Please take a second to look through a page I just added to my site. It’s here. I am still personally trying to find God’s will concerning financial provision for myself, and eventually, for my family. I am far from certain about the future, but I’ve outlined where God has led me so far. In the meantime, like Joshua, I’m trusting in the promise of God’s presence.