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Bible Scribbles

How often do I react the same when

How often do I react the same when when I’m treated unjustly? The only way I’ll be able to forgive and respond with grace is to know and trust in God’s sovereignty. #Genesis5019 #justice #injustice #grace #forgiveness #trust #sovereignty ¿Reacciono yo de la misma forma que lo hizo José cuando me tratan injustamente? La única […]

The Abrahamic covenant has so many parallels with

The Abrahamic covenant has so many parallels with the Great Commission! Just think about the components of this promise: 1. Immeasurable growth of descendants. 2. Geographic expansion in every direction. 3. Pivotal impact on the rest of the world. 4. The promise of God’s continued presence. 5. The hope of finally coming home set before […]